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Construction Committee 01252008
Library Construction Committee

At 7 p.m. the Committee met with the Board of Selectmen to give them an update on the project.

Present at this meeting: John Christiansen, Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Drayton Fair, Ann Hurd, Joel Lindsay, Aimee Lombardo, Roland Ochsenbein, John Rodenhiser, Chris Rogers, Mickie Simpson, Chris Sterling, Bill Strapko, Bob Zak.

Richard Marks outlined our progress over the last 8 months (see attached).  He noted that construction costs are down and projected that this trend will continue.

Drayton showed boards of the developing design, explained grade issues, and outlined the interior layouts.  He showed a derivative height sequence that illustrated why the roofline will be 41’8” over grade, and told the Selectmen that while we continue to seek a way to reduce the height, it’s likely that we will seek a variance.  Richard added that the plan is to seek Appeals approval after the height is pinned down; this will be in 2-3 weeks.

General discussion of the design followed.
·       Panny asked for details about natural light, particularly how the 1903 building will get light given the height of the addition.
·       Ken recommended the use of similar roofing material to unify the buildings.  
·       Ken asked about our plans to include green technology, noting that money saved on construction costs could be used for more green elements, and also on materials to make the addition look similar to the original.
·       Curt commented that the committee has done a good job.  Though he hoped that the original entrance would be used, he understands the decision to move it.  

Richard noted that we are studying geothermal heating, have a stormwater management grant, will likely use a solar water heater, and that sustainable materials such as cork flooring will be considered.  Drayton added that many new systems are sustainable by design, and technology such as low-water-usage toilets will be part of the design.

Curt added that screening from abutters will be important.  Ken said he will be interested to see how Anne Larsen’s most recent comments will be incorporated.

The Committee continued its business meeting starting at 7:50 p.m.

Present:  John Christiansen, Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Drayton Fair, Joel Lindsay, Aimee Lombardo, Roland Ochsenbein, John Rodenhiser, Chris Rogers, Mickie Simpson,  Bill Strapko.

Also present: Ann Hurd.

Absent: Brent Gates.

Drayton said that the civil engineer says there will be no need for a retaining wall by the parking lot. A landscaped berm will suffice.

Drayton showed the latest site plan. It includes a new roof shape, new path in back (a second accessible means of egress from the building), and an outline of the transformer and other mechanical equipment (which will be heavily screened with landscaping).  Drayton noted that an electrical pole will have to be moved.  Ann Hurd, who was also present, objected to the location shown on the drawing, saying it showed the pole too close to her house.  Drayton said that it could be located elsewhere, but the further from the building it is, the more expensive it will be.  The Project will pay to relocate electrical delivery to the neighbors affected.  Ann advised Drayton that the matter would have to be discussed with neighbors.  Drayton said this will happen in time.

On the site plan, Richard noted that there will also be a sewer main, location TBA.  He and Jodi are working on this.  The RFP for system design hasn’t yet been released, so he estimates it will be 8-10 weeks before design starts.  Richard also noted that the site should include a reading garden (subject of a donor’s pledge to the capital campaign).

Drayton showed two new floor plans marked A and B (attached).  Scheme A shows the Young Adult section on the ground floor and most adult stacks upstairs.  Scheme B shows YA and adult fiction upstairs and AV on the ground floor.  In both schemes the architects show redesigned entry, staff areas, offices, computer workstations, and a partition to mitigate noise from the children’s area.

Discussion followed:
·       Roland wondered how changes to the exterior would impact the interior.
·       John R. is concerned about the proximity of stairs and the entry, noting this may invite theft.

On a motion from Joel, seconded by Pam, the Committee directed the architects to continue developing Scheme B (Yes: Collins, Czekanski, Lindsay, Ochsenbein, Rogers, Simpson, Strapko; Abstention: Rodenhiser).

The architects next showed several versions of the entry, noting that all are still conceptual.  Ann was concerned that a two-story glass entry will be difficult to clean.  She also noted that the conceptual drawings are too boxy, too modern, and not detailed enough.  After discussion, the Committee gave these directions regarding the entry:
·       explore bringing the entry out and widening it
·       make it clear that it’s the main entrance
·       possibly set it off with landscaping and/or lighting
·       locate signage and/or artwork

In addition to these directions regarding the entry, the Committee asked the architects to work on visual mitigation of mass, as well as exterior detailing.  The architects will bring the Committee a progress report on January 31.

The Committee discussed the option of lowering the addition by several feet.  While some felt this should be explored, others commented on the effect on the interior considering that floor heights would no longer match.  The Committee briefly discussed putting entry doors on both sides of the connector, which would necessitate parking on the west side.  Drayton reminded the group that we have worked very hard on grade issues, lining up floors, and parking, and advised us to continue developing tonight’s designs.

Our next meetings will be on January 31 and February 7. On 1/31, guests will be representatives of Water Energy, who will discuss geothermal.  The Public Safety committee, Town Planner, and others have been notified. Richard supplied hard copies of a tutorial on geothermal.  

Richard noted an upcoming meeting with DEP on February 5.  He will attend with Chris McClure, Jodi Ross, and Chief Alfano.

Richard is working on budget numbers with a goal of reporting to us on February 7.  He projects a hearing with the Zoning Board of Appeals in March.

There being no further business, Roland adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Collins
Director of the Library